Ask Me Anything #4

Hey everyone! I have to share something special with you!

We’re very close to reaching 600 followers on Poorwa’s blog! I’m just so excited and happy about it. Thanks a million to all of you! I remember it was the last week of May when we did a Bloggers lift in the celebration of surpassing 500 WP followers and now we are here today.

So what are you waiting for!? Scroll down and Ask Me Anything! You can leave your questions for me below in the comment section and when we’ll reach 600 followers on Poorwa’s blog, I’ll answer them all.

PS: We’ve finally decided to continue on this! It’s my cousin’s gameplay but soon you’ll find my gameplays too! I’ve already played Resident Evil 4 countless times, but I’m excited for the part 2.

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68 thoughts on “Ask Me Anything #4

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  1. Hey Poorwa…Congratulations and congratulations in advance!!
    My questions for you are:-
    1.Which has been your favourite guest post till now?
    2.Which post of yours is very personal to you?
    Congo again!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. AHHHH congrats!!! It feels like you’ve gained 100 followers in two days – but you deserve it! 🙌💙
    My questions (I couldn’t think of many. 😒):
    What’s your favourite movie, and why?
    What kind of post do you enjoy writing the most?
    annnd have you ever had a fictional crush? 👀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Man I love gaming girls 💕
    1) tell me your top 10 favourite pop songs. (Not kpop)
    2) how would you rate my music taste o a scale of 1-10( we talk music so much right)
    3) your favoutite pop singers
    4) how long have y been on WordPress?

    Congratulations on almost 600! You deserve every big of it. Love you always

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congrats!! You totally deserve it!.
    My Q’s- 1) how long does it take you to make a blog post?
    2) What hobbies do you have(not blogging)?
    3) How many hours do you study a day on average?(since you are in 12th)
    4) What do you want to do when you grow up?
    5)When did you get into k-pop?
    6) The celeb you would totally want to meet?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations on almost reaching six hundred! That’s a HUGE milestone! Also, I didn’t know that you were also a videogame fan. I mostly prefer to watch others playing videogames but it’s so cool that you play them too.

    Liked by 1 person

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